Friday 2 September 2016

Reading Miracle morning has given me more energy

Yesterday was all about planning and sorting out my week for work, cleaning and personal development, reading some more Miracle Morning 30 Day Challenge, getting locations for our vision wall and drinking THE most incredible smoothie that tastes like mint choc chip pudding crossed with horlicks, yummers indeed
 We are going to make a chart like they used to have on Blue Peter, for saving money for our passports and surround it with photos of destinations we want to visit.

Today I was up at 6.30am, I am trying to get it down to 5am and I am sure that will come soon to do the miracle morning, so far I have journalled, taken the dogs to the beach with my son, been to the cinema to watch Nine Lives, cleaned both bathrooms, fed pets, read an inspiring book, meditated, hung washing, had a catch up with 2 different friends, stuck unicorn stickers on my computer desk (that was most important) snuggled the dogs, exercised for 20 mins, made lunch, made cacao orange bliss balls, got some food shopping for tea and now I'm going to paint some backgrounds on watercolour paper ready for a positivity book I am making.
 Hope you have had a most excellent day, I feel I am back on top form! 

 Its only 5pm and there is so much more to do with the day, make the most of every minute, as far as we know we only get one life, choose to spend it wisely doing things you love and enjoy, filling your body and brain with goodness.

Love Dotty xx

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